Quinte Immigration Services is a 2SLGBTQ+-positive space. We welcome diversity and work to maintain a safe space for individuals of all backgrounds and identities. We respect the human rights of all our clients and community members and support the diversity of our region.


QUIS is a member of the Canadian Council For Refugees and a signatory of the Anti-Racism Convention. 

QUIS recognizes that racism is systemic in Canadian society. Racism is more than obvious racially motivated acts such as violence or segregation of ethno-racial groups. It is embedded in the dominant culture and social institutions in a way that is so pervasive that it is often invisible. 

Racism also affects everyone. It affects the perception of the world of those who knowingly or unknowingly carry around the baggage of racist attitudes or stereotypes which make them prejudge individuals and situations. These perceptions lead to behaviours that validate and propagate racism. Racism affects the everyday reality of people of colour. 

Racism, like sexism, causes pain and humiliation and has far-reaching consequences. It reinforces xenophobia, increasing the obstacles to participation faced by refugees and immigrants. It prevents equality in opportunity and access to asylum, immigration opportunities, education, jobs, housing, health care and social services, and limits participation in decision-making bodies. QUIS recognizes that women of colour face specific additional barriers. 


QUIS is an organization committed to:

* The elimination of racism and all forms of discrimination by identifying and eliminating the barriers that may prevent refugees and immigrants from participating fully in our community; 

* The principles of equity for all races, languages, faiths and cultures reflected in the organization's policies, procedures and relations with staff, members and the society; in the communities that we serve, members of our organization, staff of our member agencies and those with whom we do business see themselves valued and reflected within the organization; 

* Increasing awareness of and appreciation for the racial, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity of The Bay of Quinte Region and all communities we serve. 

* Modelling anti-racism practices to The Quinte Local Immigration partnership member and offering opportunities for training and education in anti-racism; 

* Promoting through all of its processes, practices and structures, an environment which is free of discrimination and bias. 

QUIS acknowledges its responsibility to: 

* Provide an environment which is free of racism, sexism, discrimination and bias, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity; 

* Provide an anti-racism policy that outlines the organization's commitments to and expectations of its clients, together with a complaint procedure to address any perceived violations. 

Advocacy and Anti-racism Education: 

In view of the organization's commitment to advocacy and anti-racism education, and recognizing the need for ongoing education, QUIS will: 

A) Address anti-racism issues at working group meetings. 

B) Hold workshops at conferences on issues relating to racism. 

C) Network with other groups committed to anti-racism. 

D) Develop and maintain active links with ethno-racial communities through networking and active solicitation of their participation, views and concerns. 

E) Monitor and respond to negative media portrayal of refugees and immigrants. 

F) Undertake proactive media work to demonstrate why Canada must protect refugees and welcome immigrants. 

G) Support members and other organizations involved in public education and seek opportunities to extend QUIS own programme of public education. 

H) Develop an anti-racism "convention" and encourage member organizations to endorse it. 

Policy on Ableism and Discrimination


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